夢のようなフラワートッピング「Remember Me」
MICOHANAが贈る新作フラワートッピング「Remember Me」は、優しさと女性らしい柔らかさを見事に表現した作品です。このフラワートッピングの特徴は、WHITE×BROWNの絶妙な色彩のハーモニーにあります。ベースとなるのは、繊細なシワ加工が施されたWHITEの和紙花弁です。このシワ加工により、生花では表現できない柔らかさを実現しています。
MICOHANA presents the new flower topping “Remember Me,” a masterpiece that beautifully expresses gentleness and feminine softness.The standout feature of this flower topping is the exquisite color harmony of WHITE and BROWN. The base consists of WHITE washi paper petals with delicate wrinkle processing, achieving a softness that cannot be expressed with natural flowers.
At the center of the flower is a GOLD pistil, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication. This golden element enhances the overall luxurious and elegant feel.Additionally, BROWN washi paper is crafted into lace patterns and delicately integrated throughout the flower. This brown lace detail adds depth and warmth to the white petals, creating an overall soft impression.
As the title “Remember Me” suggests, this flower topping possesses a memorable beauty. It highlights gentleness and femininity, with the GOLD pistil serving as an accent, creating an impressive and unforgettable design.
Thanks to MICOHANA’s SuperFlower technology, the unique texture and softness of washi paper are maximized, offering a delicacy and durability that natural flowers cannot achieve.
Flower topping
トッピング: 各SuperFlowerは取り外し可能に設計されており、ドレスのカスタマイズやイベントに応じた柔軟な変更が可能です。
TOPPING: Each SuperFflower is designed to be removable, giving you the flexibility to customize your dress and change it to suit your event.
chouette! / シュエット
Click here for different toppings for the same dress↓